Statement of Faith

Home City believes the Bible to be the infallible, inerrant Word of God; Jesus Christ to be the only begotten Son of God, and God's only provision for the salvation of mankind; in the person of the Holy Spirit given to empower and lead the Church; in the need for man to be born again through faith in Jesus Christ's life and shed blood; in the physical return of Christ with his saints to rule on this earth; in a literal heaven and hell, with reward for the righteous and eternal punishment for the unredeemed; and the need to spread the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ into all the world.

Our Values

From a meal gone wrong, to meals of remembrance. There are miracles throughout the Bible that took place around A MEAL. At the table. 

A common place becomes a Holy place when we are aware that God is present. 

Your workplace break room is the new prayer room. 
Your local coffee shop is the new stage where Gods word is “preached” 
Your kitchen table is the new alter where Holy Spirit speaks. 

We will gather corporately, but will be known for discipleship through life-on-life relationships.